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Teresa Speaks

Teresa has traveled the world as a keynote speaker to thousands of men and women. They are battling to “know” and find their why. They struggle with their “enough.” They struggle with comparing and feeling less than.

If you would like Teresa to speak at your event, please fill out the form below and click the “Submit” button to send your request for Teresa to be a keynote speaker at your event. Please keep in mind Teresa may not be available on the particular date that you have in mind and by booking early (several months) and being flexible with alternate dates will increase your chances of success. As a guideline, Teresa generally limits her speaking appearances to venues that have an attendance of at least a hundred.




Thank you for thinking of me to speak at your event! I grew a multi-million dollar business and brand by being myself. I don’t compare myself to others. I claim my ENOUGH every single day. I am all about taking ACTION every single day in my life.  

I love to speak to audiences and write about the POWER we each possess.

We hold the POWER. I have the POWER of POSITIVITY. It is life changing and I will tell you everything changes in you and for you when your choose to look at life in a POSITIVE light.

I have lived the past 18 years building a world wide brand as a female girl boss, before they even said the term GIRL BOSS. I was growing my business when many women thought I should be a stay at home mother. I was home shamed. Why did I want more?

I listened to my calling from inside me to want more for myself. I am building my foundation every day and I believe we must focus every day on building ourselves and knowing it's absolutely okay to want more.

I grew my business despite having had traumatic things happen to me personally. I am a survivor of childhood sexual and physical abuse by my father and my grandfather and I know what it feels like to want to be invisible and less than. My own father often told me how “unwanted” and ugly I was. I was bullied in school and did not have friends. I hid in the locker during lunch so no one notice I had no friends and no money to eat lunch.


I had to look to build my own self love and see that I was enough and worthy of love. I also realized that I wanted to be kind and always remember I was that unloved, unwanted little girl from the trailer park. I remember the times of having no food to eat and no heat. I am grateful for those experiences that shaped me and I am better for going through them. This girl from Hickory, North Carolina learned to claim her “enough.”

 I grew my business from nothing. I have never taken a single loan and I’m happy to say that my company has zero debt. This is possible, friends. I love seeing my lifestyle products in the largest chains in the world and knowing it all happened because I NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!

I believe in being UNSTOPPABLE.

BITTER OR BETTER- YOU decide! We all have hard and we can’t compare our hard.

I got married at 19 years old.  It did not work out and I found myself single at age 26 and a mother to three beautiful little girls. I realized that I deserved more. However, I married again and it was a hard marriage. I had to learn to speak my voice in a controlling marriage. 

 Also, during this time, twenty years ago, my life changed forever. I was seven months pregnant with my fifth baby. I was 29 years old and I suffered a life changing stroke. My husband, who was a doctor, rushed me to the hospital and I was unconscious and could not see, move, or feel anything. I could hear the doctors talk about me and I could not respond as they said  that I was going to die that night.

I survived, but it changed my life. I no longer have my left side peripheral vision and I am completely numb on the entire left side of my body, however, I am so grateful and thankful. I am profoundly happy and  feel so much gratitude to be alive. I choose to be better!

After the stroke, I had to change the course of my marriage and stop allowing things in my life. I had to stand up for myself and I started my company. I took my control back. This was me standing up for myself and I knew my purpose and WHY was to share my positivity in my journey in an impactful way. I grew my company from my heart and my background in interior design.

Once again, after nineteen years of marriage, life threw me a big curve.  After loving my husband and working hard on our marriage, I became a widow. My handsome husband was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and died. It's hard to express the depths of sadness and grief that I felt. I had to warrior up and I focused on the good during the bad. I simply looked for the joy during the hardest days of my life. I choose to have gratitude during the grief. 

I want to share how we can each expand our VISION for ourselves. I am a firm believer-  I AM WHAT I BELIEVE I AM. 

YOU decide if you are going to shrink or expand in life. You must decide if you are going to become your GREATEST you. Life is going to throw you curves. You are going to have wins and losses. You are going to want to give up. DON’T! Let your experiences REFINE who you are.


I subscribe and personally believe that EVERYTHING that has happened to me has helped shape me. I won’t give up and I won’t be ungrateful. I choose to put in the work.  I choose to be positive and keep going. I hope you know that you can too.

-Teresa Collins