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Terms & Conditions to #YESTOTERESA

By responding #YestoTeresa you agree to the following:

1. You grant to Teresa Collins Studio, its affiliates, assigns, licensees and customers (“TCStudio”) a royalty free, perpetual, worldwide license to use your Instagram comment(s) and/or your Instagram photograph(s) that you have tagged with the hashtag #teresacollins and/or in relation to which you have responded #YestoTeresa (together the “Images”), on any offline and online media including but not limited to Internet (such as social media, blogs, Teresa Collins Studio related websites), press release, editorial print and online, newsletters, in-store/point of sale materials. TCStudio may use, reproduce, distribute, combine with other materials, alter and/or edit, copy, publish, save, store, archive your Images in any manner in its sole discretion, with no obligation to you whatsoever.

2. You hereby represent and warrant that (i) you own all rights in and to your Images, including copyright, (ii) you have permission from any person(s) appearing in your Images to grant the rights herein, (iii) you have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction of residence, and (iv) Teresa’s use of your Instagram Images will not infringe any third party’s right or any law.

3. You hereby release, discharge and agree to hold TCStudio and any person acting on behalf of TCStudio harmless from all actions, claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses arising out of the use by TCStudio of the Images.

4. You hereby release and discharge TCStudio from all and any obligation to pay you for any use of your Images and any of the intellectual property rights contained therein in connection with the uses described above.

5. If you delete your #YestoTeresa approval post, or your Images from Instagram, your agreement to these Terms and Conditions is still applicable.

6. A translation or copy of these Terms & Conditions can be sent to you via email if you send an email to