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Design Team Highlight - Wendy, Terrance and Emilie

We are thrilled to highlight three more of the TC DESIGN TEAM members. Please get to know them and follow them here as well as their own accounts.

Wendy Saponaro

Wendy Saponaro

Wendy, along with her husband, Vincenzo, and her Yorkie, Principessa, lives about 15 minutes from the beautiful Gulf coast in Navarre, Florida. Wendy is always inspired by things around her and makes time each day for in the motto to “find inspiration everyday everywhere”. During the day, she works full-time as a Corporate Audit Manager. When she’s not creating she is usually jotting down ideas for creations later once back in her art studio. Wendy has a strong passion for the arts, lots of creative spirit, and fearless in working with new techniques in her art journaling, mini albums and Traveler’s Notebooks. Wendy has been published several times in print and online scrapbook magazines and several manufacturer design teams. You can find more of Wendy on Instagram @simpysaponaro.


Terrance Doxie

Terrance Doxie

I'm Terrance and I am an interior designer living in suburban Atlanta. I originally hail from Alabama and I'm very much a Southern boy. I'm a big believer in living and doing things intentionally. Creativity has been a part of my life since I was young. When I'm not working, I am spending time with my family, especially my nephew Donovan, cooking, or baking.


Emilie Chamel
Emilie Chamel
Hi I am Emilie, I am french and have been living in the UK for the last 16 years. I am the proud mommy to Sophia who features in 99% of my layouts and memory keeping projects. I started scrapbooking back in 2006, stopped in 2013 when “life got in the way” and started again in May 2019 a few months after the birth of my little girl. I am completely hooked to creating and playing with paper! I have admired Teresa’s products for years and I am now even more attracted to the message of empowerment that she represent. I cannot wait to share lots of projects and inspiration with you all!
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so honored to be with you in the team :D

Rocio Navarro

I can’t believe the talent that you each possess. I am completely THRILLED to have you as design team members. THANK YOU!

teresa collins

What a great looking bunch we are! :)

So excited to be on the team!!

Wendy Morris-Saponaro

Congrats all.


Congrats to all of you and can’t wait to see your designs!

Renee KIng

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